Sunday, August 06, 2006




Successive Popes have given their clarion call to target Hindu India. Hindus are reduced to mere harvest fields.

Our Vedas are usurped. Our Sastras are mis-interpreted. Re-written selectively, to mislead the uninitiated to the mythical Jesus. Jesus is equated to our Vedic core. False parallels are drawn where no such parallels exist. Our religious and cultural dance forms like the Bharathanatyam is sullied, removing Bharatha and Nataraja; the heart and soul of the Natyam; replacing Them with the cross born as the greatest sinner of all, the mythical messiah of immaculate conception. Our most revered Gods and Godesses are seen through the eyes of the Jesus as the Jesuit like Francis Xavier Clooney would want us. Mariamman, Sri, Ambal are re-writen as manifestations of Mary. The "Avatars" of Mary. Each Hindu word of reverence to our Gods is appropriated. Churches suddenly become "Devalayams" or "Prarthana Mandirams". "Bible" becomes "Veda Pustakam". "Girivalam" the practice of "Parikrama" around our sacred hills is duplicated with hundreds of neo-converts circumnavigating newly built "Velankanni" shrines atop illegally occupied hilly forests.They even carry "Kavadi" like Muruga Bhaktas, except that they carry these to the Yesu of Mark's dreams and imagination. In Vijayawada, there is even a "Mary matha Aalayam" atop Gunadala hill competing with our "Ma Kanaka Durga" for the devout to offer their "mundan". Christist Schools have started "VidyArambam ", except that there is no Saraswathi but Mary or a Velankanni to offer pujas in the pursuit of Vidya. They even duplicate our Mandir Car festival with a version of their own - Velankanni or Jesus atop a car drawn by the neo-convert hallelujas in places like Tiruchendur and Nagercoil. These are highly thought out plans of sensitising the falliable Hindus to christism with a gradient plan of de-hinduisation.

Today, the evangelists have a never-before freedom to proselytise.

For, they have the blessings of the most powerful Antonia 'Mary' Maino.

And a turbaned-Napunsak government that is eager to bear her cross, with the full length turban for blinkers.

Our Hindu Institutions, our belief systems, our unshaken faith in our Acharyas and our Bhagawans and our inseparable twins, Hindu religion and Bharatiya culture, have always remained a thorn in the flesh of these conspirators against our Dharma. Generations of evangelists have been trying hard to rattle our belief systems. Carefully planting seeds of suspicion in the gullible mind. The conversions through means of allurement, deceit, fear of damnation thrown in good measure into the minds of the innocent, force, marriage, inducements, bogus miracle claims, education, hospitals, orphanages and the so-called services, employment; have all managed to swell their numbers. The church's conversion factories have started reporting better OPE with the advent of Antonia Mary Maino as the power centre and the DE-facto CEO of India Inc. And with her being the most powerful person in the country, daring attacks on the Hindu institutions have begun. If the Islamists attack our institutions with the bombs the christists do it through their well crafted cunningness. The target of both these aggressive marauders is the innocent and weaponless Hindu, who continues to say "Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha", forgetting the latter half of the Bhagawan's statement - "Satya Himsa Tataivaca" . The christist-communist-Goebbelsian media will always be ever willing to do their bidding in their Hindu-bashing.

I have ventured to examine at some length, how these anti-national forces, who masquerade as evangelists, are brazenly involved in devaluing some of our most revered Institutions and our lack of understanding and equally inept or no response to such acts.

I am taking just these three Hindu Institutions to advance my argument:

1. The Tirumala Mandir
2. Kanchi Acharya, an institution in Himself, his Arrest and the crippling of his Matham and the sexual innuendos
3. The Sabarimala Ayyappan Mandir and the sexual innuendos

Before I actually go into the subject matter, I should introduce you to two lively characters who have played larger than life roles. One who started as a professional actor in her life and continues to act a role of a politician and the other, her astrologer. The typical Rajah and the Rajah guru of a B Grade Tamil movie of yesteryear.


While the christists are behind each of these four conspiracies on the HIndu Dharma, I see this Unni character featuring in all the three onslaughts on the Hindu Dharma. I sometimes wonder if this is more than a coincidence and leave the choice to the reader if he has been used as a pawn by the christists or have they won him over to do their bidding. I think I have to ask him to conduct a "Deva Prasnam" on this question to find the real answers, if he can get one. I dared to bring his name out because to me his presence in all the above "controversies" is more than just a "coincidence". And I am compelled to go public with his name because he did go public with his "findings" instead of taking them up "in camera" with the concerned institutions, as a true Hindu, who is interested in preserving our Hindu Dharmic institutions. I now have serious doubts on his intentions and even the results of his "experiments in truth" that have become tools in the hands of atheists, commies who today occupy our Devasthanams and Devaswom Boards.

Parappanangadi Unnikrishna Panicker is "considered" an expert in 'Deva Prasnam' and operates from a village named Parappanangadi in Kerala. Let me explain for the benefit of those uninitiated, that 'Deva Prasnam' is a classic form of asking the Bhagawan questions and getting the right set of answers and this form has origin in Kerala, with most 'experts' coming out from this land of Parasurama. This often involves a group of "experts" in a team, each one contributing his "knowledge" with someone like Unni as the moderator giving the final summation of "divine results" from such a divine inquiry called the Deva Prasnam. Being popular, he even has the 'veto' power to negate certain claims made by other members of his team.

Panicker struck gold when he was brought to the larger-than-life presence of Jayalalithaa. He became powerful and famous overnight with Jayalalithaa seeking his opinion on various issues, both personal and political. His fame sored up to such dizzy heights that he was the most sought after man for all those who wanted to have Jayaa's ear. It is widely talked about that he charges upward Rs.200,000 per prasnam these days. And it was passionately debated as to who was close to Jaya, Sasi? or Unni?


A few years back he conducted a Deva Prasnam in Tirumala. And this lead to days of showdown between two respected and revered Religious leaders of our Dharma, the Kanchi Acharya and the Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami. The Bhaktas picked up from where the Swamis left and a million heated words on websites and the Press and TV sound bytes, gladdened the hearts of the commies, atheists and seculars while the christists stood applauding the Shaiva- Vaishnava struggle for supremacy. The Hindus stood divided, as always. The matter was worsened with each commie/christist backed TV channel stoking the ambers. Until I and a great friend stepped in to try and diffuse the tensions that was threatening to divide the Hindu society on the lines of Shivites and Vaishnavites. I am not getting into the mechanics of our efforts, as I have neither the permission of both the Acharyas nor is the material required for this piece of inquiry. However, we have been blessed by both the Acharyas through the abrupt stoppage of the war or words from both the sides of Bhaktas with the removal of attrition, from the very next day of our effort in this issue. The Press too lost interest in the issue.

That the Prasnam and the "results" announced publicly has been the key factor for this undesirable attrition, is no secret to a careful follower of current affairs. That this lead to Tirumala being the target for atheists, commies, seculars and christists alike is no secret. And none can discount the role of Bhagawan Balaji in retaining even his poorest Bhaktha in the fold of Hindu Dharma. Therefore, it is no wonder that His institution has been on the draft board of the christists for many years now.


It is said that there was a stage in her life when she would not even sneeze without consulting Unnikrishna Panicker. And I have an unimpeachable source that confirmed to me that her close aide, Sasikala visited Panicker one week before the actual arrest of Kanchi Acharya to make a "divine inquiry" if His arrest would bring her government down and if there would be any repurcussions from the Hindu Samaj. Panicker gave the green signal and the she carried out the brutal assault on one of our most revered institutions, the Kanchi Acharyas and the Kanchi Matham. I am under an oath not to disclose this source and you will have to take my word for it or feel free to take this as my figment of imagination.


Jayalalithaa is a product of the well known Sacred Heart Matriculation school, Chennai, conducted by the famous Presentation Sisters of Church Park. Bro. Berchmans asks the question: Had Jayalalithaa become a nun, would that have brought any positive change in her life? Good question, ain't it? Try searching for an answer in the following link:

Let us see how in my opinion the christists manipulated Jayalalithaa and she succumbed to their guile.

The early and open wooing of Jayalalitha started with naming a street in USA after her.

Monument for Jayalalithaa proposed in Wisconsin. Chicago Street Named after Jayalalitha by Nand Kapoor, Chicaho Bureau Chief-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chicago, April 29 - On April 27 '96,

The Dr. J. Jayalalitha Way on Devon Avenue from Broadway to Lakewood Avenue was unveiled & dedicated with an Inter-Faith Prayer and an impressive community rally. Dr. J.Jayalalitha Way is located at a major intersection in the Northside of the City of Chicago where major roads, Broadway Avenue, Devon Avenue and North Sheridan meet. The Dr. J. Jayalalitha Way is the first portion of the long winding West Devon Avenue which bears Honorary street designations for Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammed Ali Jinnah and Golda Mier (Ex Israeli Prime Minister), at different segments of the Avenue.

For details just click:


One is now familiar of her being given the "most prestigious" award - the Thanga Tharagai or the Golden Star Award. Millions of posters were pasted all over Tamil Nadu hailing her as "Golden Star" Amma or "Thanga Tharagai" Idaya Deivam etc.,

What is the origin of this Thanga Tharagai award and who are the persons behind it? And why should they suddenly cosy up to Jayalalithaa? Just keep in mind that this was the time the TN Forcible Conversion Act was in place and there was no talk of repealment by the government.

To get a logical answer to this, one must honestly look into the Presidential elections in Ukraine. What has the election of President of Ukraine to do with the Golden Star Award to Jayalalithaa? I can sense you questioning me about this. Patience, my friend, Patience.

The Bush Administration in USA wants a pliable president in the Ukraine. They consider it important to their affairs and what do they do? They locate a pliable candidate, Viktor Yushchinko . And decide to prop him up. So how do they go about funding his elections to the Presidency of Ukraine? Simple, they choose Poland as the medium. Why Poland? The former Pope is from Poland, stupid. This "initiative" is called as the Poland-America-Ukraine Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI), which is administered by the US based Freedom House and funded by US Agency for International Development (USAID). Millions of dollars was granted by USAID to PAUCI in Poland. And PAUCI sent these funds to numerous Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Ukraine and needless to say that these NGOs acted on the behest of US government to get their candidate elected as the President.

Take a look at this:

On 7 December 2004, U.S. Congressman Ron E. Paul made this statement before the House of Representatives International Relations Committee.How did this one-sided US funding in Ukraine come about? While I am afraid we may have seen only the tip of the iceberg, one part that we do know thus far is that the US government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), granted millions of dollars to the Poland-America-Ukraine Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI), which is administered by the US-based Freedom House. PAUCI then sent US Government funds to numerous Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This would be bad enough and would in itself constitute meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. But, what is worse is that many of these grantee organizations in Ukraine are blatantly in favor of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko. Consider the Ukrainian NGO International Centre for Policy Studies. It is an organization funded by the US Government through PAUCI, but on its website you will find that the front page in the English section features a prominent orange ribbon, the symbol of Yushchenko's party and movement. Reading further on, we discover that this NGO was founded by George Soros's Open Society Institute. And further on we can see that Viktor Yushchenko himself sits on the advisory board! And this NGO is not the only one the US government funds that is openly supportive of Viktor Yushchenko. The Western Ukraine Regional Training Center, as another example, features a prominent USAID logo on one side of its website's front page and an orange ribbon of the candidate Yushchenko's party and movement on the other. By their proximity, the message to Ukrainian readers is clear: the US government supports Yushchenko.The Center for Political and Law Reforms, another Ukrainian NGO funded by the US government, features a link at the top of its website's front page to Viktor Yushchenko's personal website. Yushchenko's picture is at the top of this US government funded website. That May, the Virginia-based Private Management Consultancy Development Associates, Inc., was awarded $100 million by the US government for strengthening national legislatures and other deliberative bodies worldwide. According to the organization's website, several million dollars from this went to Ukraine in advance of the elections .As I have said, this may only be the tip of the iceberg. There may be many more such organizations involved in this twisted tale. There has been a blackout in the American media about his statement. Instead, they have been focussing mostly on an alleged poisoning of the pro-Western candidate. If there is any side that will benefit most from the poisoning, it is the United States. It is probable they poisoned their own candidate. The Cold War may be officially over. But as long as Russia remains a challenge to American power, the bleeding without fighting will continue.
What is relevant to us is that

1. USA wanted Viktor Yushchenko elected as President of Ukraine.

2. The US Goverment floated PAUCI

3. Sent millions of dollars to it from USAID

4. PAUCI floated hundreds of NGOs in Ukraine to which these millions were distributed for "election duty".

5. Coordinating the efforts was IHRDC (International Human Rights Defence Committee) is one such NGO based in USA with Natalya Krivutsa a Naturalised citizen of USA, with a Ukraine background.

Now to the vital question:

Who conferred the "Golden Star" or the "Thanga Tharagai" Award on Jayalalitha?

It is IHRDC (International Human Rights Defence Committee) headed by Natalya l Krivutsa.

It is claimed that this was a body under the United Nations (check the banners behind the photographs of the Awards function in Chennai). But the fact is that UN has nothing to do with this Organisation (Just check the UN website to find any relationshiip with this body - zilch) Bishop Mallawarappu Prakash, who is also associated with this NGO, as heading their office in India and with the Awarding of the Golden Star to Jayalalitha defended this saying that the website of the organisation shows that it is a UN organisation (can there be more silly argument than this?). It is like I can have my blogspot read, Naamoku, President of Chennai and won't it sound silly !!!

Now take a look at the Award function photos in the AIADMK website:

On 10 Oct. 2004, Ukraine delegates in city to honour JayaUkraine delegates representing the International Human Rights Defence Committee (IHRDC) which has selected Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa for the Golden Star of Honour and Dignity Award, have arrived in Chennai. The IHRDC will present the award to the ChiefMinister for her stellar role in gender equality and protection of weaker sections of society.

See photos at

Now on to some simple questions that very badly need to be answered:
1. Who is Bishop Mallavarapu Prakash? Why was this Bishop Mallavarapu Prakash of Vijayawada made head of the minorities welfare board in Tamil Nadu? Why not a muslim from Tamil Nadu?

Bishop Mallavarapu Prakash was on the dais as India representative of IHRDC of Ukraine when the Golden Star (Thanga Tarakai) Award was presented in October 2004 and was made the State's chairman of the Minorities Board, though he belongs to the neighbouring State, the State of Andhra Pradesh.

2. The timing of the Thanga Tarakai award is after withdrawing the Anti-conversion Act. Is there a connection between this withdrawal and the award? Some kind of a thanks-giving and an incentive for more action?

3.The award celebration was certainly paralleled by

(a) The tax payers' money spent by Tamil Nadu Government on the 4 page Wall Street Journal advertisement eulogising the achievements of AIADMK government -- the interview was conducted by Ms. Carlose Andrade of Times of India; and

(b) US State Dept. (Office of International Religious Freedom of the US State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor) is backing such conversion initiatives. The last paragraph of this year's report of USCIRF states that US embassy officials had been interacting regularly with TN Govt. state officials on the anti-conversion law and its reversal. (May 2004).

4. There is an intricate web of a christist Prabhakar offering Bharat Jyoti Award from India International Friendship Society of USA, Bishop M. Prakash, IHRDC Ukraine, Natalya Krivutsa of USA, K.A. Paul coming in his private jet meeting CM and handing over unlisted materials post-Tsunami. The events take place in a suspicious order or sequence. 5. The take over of the Veera S'aiva (Lingayata) Matham in Kumbakonam on 16 Jan. 2005 and the crippling of the Kanchi Matham from Deepavali Day (November 2004).

All these lead one to wonder "is there any connection between the awards, the christists who were behind the awards and Jayalalithaa's attacks on these Hindu institutions"? The advertisement in Wall Street Journal hailing Jayalalithaa should have cost a fortune for the TN Govt. See the ad (interview by Carol Andrade) at
This jibes with the move to withdraw the anti-conversion bill through an ordinance after she got a drubbing in the TN Lok Sabha polls.The interviewer whose interview becomes a TN Govt. ad is Ms. Carol Andrade. She is Times of India Supplements Editor and claims to be a journalist for 27 years.
She is also editor (for Economic Times) of Strategic Marketing (together with a guy from IIM, Calcuta).
Bishop Rt Rev Dr M Prakash noted that the downtrodden were given all privileges in the state and said, ``as many as 10,000 independent churches in the state would spread the peace message of Jayalalithaa to the entire world. And downtrodden are given all the privileges in the state.

By way of adding yet another feather in her cap, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister will be awarded International Best Statesperson Award in February 2005 by International Friendship Society in the USA. Announcing this, Dr Vijay Prabhakar, president, World Federation of Tamil Youth, USA, said, ``this award will be conferred for being atrue statesperson.
that this is on a Government site.

At that point of time, see what Vaiko, her current christist "brother" said:

Referring to the honour of `Golden Star of Honour and Dignity Award' bestowed on the Chief Minister, Jayalalithaa, by the Ukraine-based International Human Rights Defence Committee, he said the award meant `nothing' since the organisation was not recognised by the United Nations. The award episode was `funny' given the backdrop of increasing violence and crime against women in Tamil Nadu, he said.

So we have a Natalya Kirutsva, a Bishop Mallavarapu Prakash, Dr K.A.Paul, who came in his Private Jet offering Rs4,000 crores relief to Tsunami and offering to adopt 400 children orphaned by Tsunami, Dr Vijay Prabhakar of World Federation of Tamil Youth USA, a Carlos Andrade, Uncle Sam and his Consul in Chennai plus a few church leaders thrown in for pepper. Great Team.

See photo of Natalya at (Text in Russian)

See Bishop Prakash Mallavarapu of Vijayawada on the catholic hierarchy. As director fo the India Chapter of IHRDC based in Ukraine(funded by Uncle Sam), he is clearly the conduit for getting the award for Jayalalithaa.

Bishop Mallavarapu Prakash is also a member of the doctrine commission.
Dr K A Paul, chairman, Global Peace Initiative in Washington and Tamilnadu Minorities Welfare Board's chairman Bishop Dr M Prakash met the Chief Minister and handed over the relief materials for the Tsunami affected with Boxer Hollifield adding the punch to the team.

That Jayalalithaa was flattered from this "award" was evident from the number of posters her party men put up through out the State. In addition, look at what she has to say about the award:
Make Tamil Nadu a premier state: CM
Sunday, October 17, 2004PTICHENNAI:
AIADMK supremo and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Saturday asked her partymen to work for making the state 'number one' in the country. The Golden Star of Honour and Dignity Award conferred on her recentlyby the Ukraine based International Human Rights Defence Committee was a proof to this, she said.On receiving the International award instituted by International Human Rights Defence Committee (IHRDC) from Natalya l Krivutsa, Head of IHRDC, USA, for her efforts to eliminate gender inequality and protection of the weaker section of the society, Jayalalithaa said,``A society that cannot protect the dignity and honour of its women cannot be termed as a civil society.''
Now pause for a moment and think:

1. A rather circuitous route from US Government is established through Poland, Ukraine and a web of NGOs and christist-activists, evangelists and they start wooing Jayalalithaa. It ends with the US government getting the Anti-conversion Act repealed by Jayalalithaa.

2. A street in USA is named after her and she gets a dubious award from an equally dubious NGO with christists at the helm of affairs.

3. She makes a Bishop from neighbouring State of AP as the Chairman of the Minority Welfare Board in Tamil Nadu and he happens to be the India representative of the dubious NGO that gives her the "Golden Star" Award.

4. The US Consul in Chennai has specially posted officials dealing with her administration to repeal the Anti-conversion Act

5. Her Deva Prasnam Expert and astrologer says no harm will befall her if she arrests the Kanchi Acharya

And on the Diwali night, which is so holy to all Hindus, she decides to ruin the festival of lights for millions of Hindus, by ordering arrest of one of the most sacred Institutions of the Hindus, The Kanchi Acharya Himself.


Unni makes a Prasnam as usual. This time his target is Sabarimala. The Mandir and its Deity which attracts millions of poor and backward devotees, the target audience of proselytisers. He knows that the Bhagawan Ayyappa is celibate. So conveniently, he states that the Prasnam revealed a presence of women who has defiled Ayyappa and He is angry. Within hours, even before the complete details of the "divine revelation" is revealed to the world, one Jayamala, whose husband is a christist and who may be a crypto-christist, goes to public with the claim that she is the "blessed" one who had "touched" the Vigraha of Ayyappa and this was when she was jostled and pushed by an unmanageable crowd.

Only the secularists, atheists, communists, TV channels waiting for such sensational Hindu-bashing news would believe that this could be possible.

I dare to call Jayamala a liar. And all those who took her word as their "Das Kapital" as co-conspirators, because:

1. She could never have visited Sabarimala Mandir without beng stopped/noticed.

2. Even if a lakh of people had pushed her, she would still not have managed to roll over the Kanikkavanchi, the Hundi in the first enclosure, made her way rolling up the five very narrow steps leading to the inner sanctum, passed through the narrow Dwaram (gate) where even a lean priest has to bow down and carefully make his way into the sanctum, roll in between two rows of a some half a dozen two feet lamps placed in front and on either side of the Ayyappa Vigraha and THEN TOUCHED HIS VIGRAHA. Who is she conning?

As usual, to slacken the faith of the devotee, the angle of immorality is thrown in. We saw it in Kanchi. We are seeing it in Sabari. Throw some mud. Something will stick, seems to be the way the christists have never grown out of..

I see no reason why the Devaswom should have given credibility to Unnikrishna Panicker and to the claims of Jayalama, unless they were instructed to keep the issue alive and 'contribute' their might to stoking fires. They should have just pooh-poohed his claim, denounced Jayamala's lies and went on with their work. They did not do it because the Sabarimala is situated in a strange state that cohabits with commies,congress, christists and the Madhanis. The government constituted Dewaswom Board might well be loaded with atheists, commies and 'congi-seculars' whose bhakthi is limited to their one ishta-devatha - Antonia 'mary' Maino. That Unni chose to say that Ayyappa has been touched by a woman is a devious ploy, designed to cause hurt to the very devout and try to put off those sitting on the fence with their "Irumudi" ready, for the next season..


The choice of Mandirs and Hindu Institutions cleverly picked by the christists for their target is not surprising. Kanchi Acharya has been in the fore-front in opening the doors of the Matham to ALL Hindus, including the deprived, dalits and the very backward. The Matham has been involved in renovation of various Dalit Mandirs and I know that the Acharya has never ever refused to visit a Mandir in any Dalit colony. In fact He has sent His team of priests on behalf of the Matham to many such Mandirs for consecration ceremonies. I am a witness to it as I had the privilege of visiting such Mandirs along with him and His natural benevolence to the deprived people becomes evident even to a non-bhakta of this wonderful Matham.

When more such backwards were gravitating towards Him the christists saw a serious threat to their designs of the evangelical - proselytisation.

TIRUMALA has always been a magnetic force that attracted both the very affluent and the very poor. And Bhagawan Balaji is the greatest symbol as a Hindu institution. Therefore, the likes of Antonia Maino and Samuel Rajasekhar have teamed up with evangelists to devalue this institution in the eyes of the Hindu pilgrim devotees. And the recent spate of conversions in this holy town, the plan to shrink its extent to 2 hills and the backdoor offer of entry to church constructions in the forest area of the hill that has appropriated by the government since the days of the British Raj, appointment of other than Hindus to head the TTD institutions, retaining non-Hindus in sensitive TTD posts, diverting TTD money for government's 'secular' projects, deputing officials who are either aethists, communists or secularists for TTD posts from the government, having a card-holding commie as the head of the TTD Staff Training college etc., all stand testimony to the devaluing of this great Hindu institution.

SABARIMALA- Majority (almost 80%) of the pilgrims are from very weak and deprived section of Hindu society. The evangelical proselytisers are deprived of their chunk of the target audience because Ayyappa is attracting more of them each year, year after year. So targeting the tantri or making a hue and cry of a women's presence in the Sanctum is a way tried by the christists to shake the faith and belief system of these simple Hindu Bhaktas. The press and electronic media goes to town as it does on every Hindu-bashing exercise. Most of these people do not even know the geography of the territory or have a first hand experience of a spiritual journey to Sabarimala.

A pilgrimage to Sabarimala is a very unique experience. I have made 27 such pilgrimages in my life. The 'Vrata Anushtanam" of the bhakta and the involvement of the entire family including the womenfolk in enabling the bhakta to stick to his Vrata and the Nithya Pujas, the bringing together of the Ayyappa Bhaktas for Bhajans and Annadanam, unlike in other piligrimages, the lack of distinction in caste in the group of Ayyappa devotees are all major factors in bringing Hindus into a congregation. This is one spiritual journey where the distinction in caste is lost in devotion to the deity.

The Press and the Sound Byeting channels never care to examine and investigate if it impossible for a Jayamala or a Jyoti Laxmi to have touched the Vigraha, unless ofcourse, they would now try to shift their stand by saying that the maligned Tantri indeed allowed her into the sanctum and touch the Bhagawan because she promised to pay him in kind !!!

Who knows, they might even say this tomorrow.

Because, the media today is a Hindu-bashing bastard. And hopefully, very soon will start searching for the truth.

The truth of its parentage.

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