Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Conversions: Some are above law-Part 8

Antonia- Advani- Adventists

The Triple-A Team that is destroying the Hindus.

If I had shocked you with the Caption, think again. Think of the whole rotten system that is protecting proselytizers in India. Just imagine my feelings as I pieced them together to present it to you dear reader. There are innumerable questions to ask. From different people like Antonia, Advani, Jayalalithaa and a score of government officials who are supposed to protect the gulliable Hindus from the machinisations of these proselytizing and virulent vermin called the Adventists.

Here is the timeline of the major events in the Ron Watts affair:

(Notice that the time taken from the date of issue of the Leave the Country Notice by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to the actual date when it is served to the two people by the Inspector of Police, Matigiri, Hosur is almost four months. I don’t term this as incompetence. It is a deliberate delay to facilitate Ron and Dorothy Watts to safety. That's deliberate “babudumb” for you. Maybe for a consideration at each layer as the Church is well know to spend money like water in such matters – in this case unholy water).

02 July 2003

Minister for Home Affairs, L. K. Advani's Ministry issues the "Leave the Country Notice on Ron Watts and Dorothy Watts.-Lr No:17016/03/98-FVII. Sends it to the Government of Tamil Nadu to execute the same.

13 Aug, 2003

Ron and Dorothy apply to Dharmapuri District Suptd of Police (SP) for extension of their stay in the district (Hosur used to be in this district at that time)

(Don’t tell me that they have no access in Government circles to be ignorant of this notice being issued on 7 July, 2003; at this point of time)

01 Sept, 2003

The SP of Dharmapuri District recommends the same to the Government favourably.

(Don’t tell me the SP never had known of existence of this order, though officially he has seen it only after 23 Sept, 2003, when the District Collector issued instructions to him).

05 Sept, 2003

TN Govt Issues instructions to carry out the Ministry of Home Affair’s Leave the Country Notice, to the District Collector, Dharmapuri

(From 2 July to 05 Sept: It takes 2 months before TN Govt reacts to such a crucial order)

24 Sept, 2003

Dist Collector, Dharmapuri instructs the SP, Dharmapuri to carry out the notice of Ministry of Home Affairs and the State Government of Tamil Nadu.

20 Oct, 2003

SP to Inspector of Police, Mathigiri, Hosur to carry out the instructions and inform him the date and flight numbers, once the two people are deported.

(Did the SP do anything to retract the earlier recommendation made by him on 01 Sept on the extension of Ron and Dorothy Watt’s stay? Did the Inspector notify the details of flight, date etc to the SP?– None)

It becomes clear that before the order is served on Ron and Dorothy Watts, they are “well informed of one such order from one of these official sources” and they "escape" to USA and get new visas from the Indian Embassy, Washington dated 30/09/2003 and 22/10/2003, visas valid upto 2008.

Is the Indian Embassy at Washington aware of the deportation order issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India on Ron and Dorothy Watts?

Did the Ministry of External Affairs inform our Embassies abroad on this Leave the Country notice on these two people, with their travel document details etc?

Are not our Embassies supposed to be our extension of Government offices located in foreign lands?

It is stated in Adventist circles that Ron Watts met with Lalit Mansingh, our Ambassador to USA.

(The Adventists have been courting him since 2001. He has been the special guest to the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists on 11 Oct, 2001, where he was felicitated).

Lalit Mansingh visits Seventh Day Adventists World HQ at Silversprings, Maryland, USA on Oct 11, 2001

This is what the Indian Ambassador to USA, Lalit Mansingh told the Adventists in their HQ:

"This is not to say that there are never instances of religious intolerance in India," he added, referring to a 1999 incident where a Baptist missionary and his two sons were killed by militant Hindus in the state of Orissa.

"There will always be the lunatic fringe that is intolerant. But the redeeming aspect to this is that these actions [in Orissa] were widely and strongly condemned by mainstream Indian society. And not just by Christians, but by members of many different religions who are continuing India's long tradition of tolerance and respect for all religions."

Did Lalit Mansingh help Ron and Dorothy get their new Visas? Was he aware of the deportation orders on these two or was the information not sent to our embassies? Or did he go ahead with issuance of Visas just like that? Or did he act on orders received from higher ups from Delhi? Like the instance of Rahul and his girl friend helped by a friendly Brajesh Mishra to get away from detention in the Logan Airport, Boston, USA?

30 Sept 2003

Ron Watts obtains Business Visa from our Embassy in Washington, USA.

22 Oct 2003

Dorothy Watts obtains Visa from our Embassy in Washington, USA.

(They return to India with their new Visas. It is alleged that Ron Watts even got a "new passport" from the Canadian embassy in India for this purpose).

It is widely talked in the SDA circles that Lalit Mansingh was one of the key persons for fecilitating the meeting between Ron Watts and Advani during early Nov, 2003. Other facilitators of this meeting are Kim Gangte, the first Adventist MP in Lok Sabha representing outer Manipur constituency and it is whispered in the Adventists circles of "funds" routed to BJP leaders through a high profile MP known as the key fixer in BJP political circles.

30 Oct 2003

The Inspector of Police, Mathigiri, Hosur serves the notice on Ron and Dorothy Watts on 30 Oct 2003, when they have already returned to India with new Visas valid upto 2008

(Please note that the Visas have been obtained from the Indian Embassy in Washington, before the Leave the Country notice was officially served on them)

31 Oct, 2003

Ron and Dorothy Watts file two independent petitions before the HC Madras to quash the Notices served on them by the SP and the State of Tamil Nadu.

Early Nov, 2003

Kim Gangte, MP, Lok Sabha from Imphal (Manipur) the first Adventist to be elected to Parliament leads a delegation of Adventists which includes Ron Watts and meets with Deputy PM and Minister of Home Affairs, L K Advani at New Delhi.

Dorothy Watts is the interviewer. Kim Gangte meets LK Advani along with a delegation of Church leaders. There is no reference to the presence of Ron Watts in the delegation that met L K Advani in this interview. But some Adventists swear that he was also in the delegation, which is proved by a photo of this meeting with L.K.Advani in the subsequent issue of their internal magazine. This photo features Gangte, Ron Watts and L.K.Advani. Copy of the photo will be uploaded.

Late Nov, 2003

Ron Watts and Kim Gangte attend the Executive Committee meeting of the South Asia Division of the Seventh Day Adventists. During the meeting both proclaim openly: "All the problems with the Govt of India are sorted out". A member of the Executive Committee who attended the meeting confirmed this to me.

21 Jan, 2004

Madras High Court disposes Ron Watts petition against the order of the T.N.State Govt and SP of Dharmapuri on grounds that he has valid visa till 2008. Gladys Daniel, Jr of Nalini Chidambaram, appears on behalf of Ron Watts and gets away with what the petitioner alleges "as false representation to the Court".

09 Feb, 2004

T.N.Government Bifurcates Dharmapuri District and a new Krishnagiri District is created. Hosur, where the H.Q. of the Seventh Day Adventists is situated (this is where Ron Watts works from) is brought under the new Krishnagiri District.

(Is there any connection in the timing of the bifurcation of the district and the problems facing Ron Watts?)

05 July 2004

Nalini Chidambaram appears on behalf of Ron Watts. This is a different CBDT. Christian Board for Dubious Trade! Vellayani Sundararaju made to withdraw petition before Justice Sirpurkar who grants Velayani Sundararaju, the petitioner, with "liberty to approach proper forum in a proper manner".

17 Feb 2005

Ron Watts's makes a hand written deposition before Additional District Magistrate, Pattanamthitta that he would leave the country in 24 Hours.

18 Feb 2005

He shoots fax notices to Govt officials in Kerala that he was made to depose under "Pressure". Matter goes to Kerala High Court.

23 Feb 2005

Ron Watts opens the 1000th Maranatha funded church in India (this one in Iyyanakota, Pamarru, AP).

01 April 2005

HC, Kerala strikes down Ron Watt's petition as withdrawn.

End May 2005

Ron Watts meets Sonia Gandhi in Delhi before his departure to USA. The photo of this meeting is featured on the cover of the May-June issue of The New Southern Asian Tidings magazine of the SDA. Meeting facilitated by Mavalikara MLA, Murali and Oomen Chandy, CM of Kerala. Murali and family allegedly get free tickets to USA and a standing ovation at the General Conferance of the Seventh Day Adevntists in the USA.

06 July 2005

Ron Watts gets re-elected as Vice President of the South Asia Division of the SDA in their General Conference in St Louis, USA.

06 July 2005

Justice P.D.Dinakaran of Madras High Court, who was earlier a Junior to P C Chidambaram, orders seizure of the travel documents of Ron and Dorothy Watts and instructs the SP, Krishnagiri to carry out the order.

18 July 2005

Ron is amongst the 60 Adventists on the White House Lawn reception to PM Manmohan Singh.

16 Aug 2005

M.Ashok Kumar, SP of Krishnagiri District files affidavit in Madras HC. Denies all averments of the petitioner and says that Watts and Dorothy have valid Visas till 2008. Tells the court that they are not involved in any conversions in districts of Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri. And they have not received any information or complaints from the Govts of Kerala or AP where the incidents are alleged to have taken place. Also states that the leave the country order was withdrawn (???).

(To the best knowledge of the Petitioner it has NOT been revoked by the MHA).

How does the SP of Krishnagiri District expect reports from the Government of Kerala and Government of Andhra Pradesh on Ron Watts' activities? Did he ask them, specifically related to this case?

R.John, Secretary of the South Asia Division of the Seventh Day Adventists impleads in the case as the 10th respondent. M.Habibullah Basha appears as his counsel for impleadment.

19 Aug 2005

Based on the affidavit filed by the SP, Krishnagiri, the Additional Advocate General of the State of Tamil Nadu appears before the HC and says that both Ron and Dorothy had already left the country hence the order of the leave the country has been worked out. They have obtained new Visas and have come into India and have travelled to and from India on two occasions after the said order was issued by MHA.
This is a wonderful example of putting The Cart before the horse.

Justice P.D.Dinakaran (interestingly, he was earlier a Junior to P C Chidambaram), vacates his interim order dated 06/07/2005 to seize the travel documents of Ron and Dorothy Watts. However the main deportation case has not been vacated.

The petitioner, Velayani Sundararaju plans to appeal to the Bench at Madras High Court shortly on this interim vacation granted by Justice P.D.Dinakaran.

Maybe, he should also make a new cause - writ of mandaramus against the Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs and with Ron and Dorothy as responding parties as to how the Ministry could issue a Visa to persons who have been given the Leave the Country Notice just a few months ago? Since the original notice was given after detailed study based on various complaints, what are the changed circumstances obtained in order to give Visas to such individuals?

Questions that remain unanswered:

1 Why did Advani meet with someone on whom his ministry had given the Leave the Country Notice just four months ago?

2. Did the Ministry of External Affairs inform all our Embassies on the details of the Leave the CountryNotice on Ron and Dorothy Watts?

3. How could the Indian Embassy in Washington give them Visas when they had a Leave the Country notice on them?

4. When the original order was issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 02 July 2003, the final order was served by the Inspector Matigiri police station only on 30 Oct 2003. Was the delay in the process deliberate to facilitate them to ‘escape’ to USA and procure extension of Visas and re-entry into India to continue with their proselytizing activities?

(This convenient leaving the country and returning with a new Visa is now being used in the High Court as Ron and Dorothy Watts having abided by the order and it has been worked out accordingly. The fact is that the Leave the Country Notice was officially served on Ron and Dorothy Watts by the Inspector of Police, Mathigiri only on 30 Oct, 2003 which is AFTER they have returned to India with valid visa extensions upto 2008. So how can it be taken that the leave the country notice has been worked out or complied with?

Did the inspector of police, Mathigiri inform his SP of the date of his departure, flight number details as required of him as per the order? There was NO effort from the entire District Administration to carry out the deportation order. This is the fact. And now they shamelessly claim that the order has been worked out, in order to protect a known proselytizer. Where is Bharatam heading for?)

5. Are there more than administrative reasons for the bifurcation of the Dharmapuri District on 09 February, 2004? Hosur conveniently went to the newly formed Krishnagiri District while all the Ron Watts matter was seized with the District officials of Dharmapuri.

6. How could Sonia meet with Ron Watts during End May, 2004? Refer to the questions that I had for her in my article number 6 – Congress-I or Cong-Cross I?

Antonia and Advani seem to share one thing in common. Their common fondness for proselytizers like Ron and Dorothy Watts. If Antonia met Ron Watts during end Oct, 2005, Advani takes the cake and the whole of the "Best Bakery in India" for meeting with the same Ron Watts during November, 2003 when it was his very ministry that handed out the Leave the Country Notice on him on 07 July, 2003. Now, just recall what Dr Togadia called Advani on his famous Jinnah Statement?

If Advani thinks that we need to have christists on our side to fight the islamists, this is perverse logic. They are together in India when they fight the Hindus. And we Hindus are left to fight our own battles. This is simple fact that one cannot not wish away.

Antonia, Advani, Jayalalithaa, Dharam Singh, Samuel Rajasekhar, Oomen Chandy.They are all look to me like dangerous birds of same feather, though operating from different cages. Did not Jaya bring the anti-conversion law only after the Adventists went beserk in Madurai with their conversions? Did she not retract once there was pressure from the Christian cabal aided by the US State Department?

Ron Watts is back in Hosur. And these leaders will roll out a red carpet for his continuous conversion activities. And they will surely facilitate more conversions. From 1999-2000 to 2005 he has managed to convert 800,000 people (his own admission of baptisms during his reign as the President of South Asian Division of the Seventh Day Adventists). How many more will he convert, with the entire ruling and the opposition leaders laying out the red carpet for him?

Unless the Hindu Organizations plan and seriously agitate against the atrocious Adventists, the white proselytizers like Ron and Dorothy Watts, I foresee nothing but accelerated erosion of our cultural values through conversions in this Dharmabhoomi. A strong signal should be sent to the US Adventist leaders who are sending this couple to India. The Hindu Organizations should go on consistent stirs and street protests in Hosur and in front of all the Adventist churches, schools and other medical institutions, the Spicer Memorial college in Pune etc., A strong signal that the entire Seventh Day movement will no longer be taken lying down by the Hindus, if people like Ron and Dorothy Watts are encouraged by them. This will put these proselytizers in their right place. This is the only option to drive this serious threat to Hinduism out of this Dharmabhoomi.

I have one final question, this one to the Hindu Organizations:

Will the Hindu organizations wake up to the task?

Additional Notes:

On Kim Gangte: 1998: 1. Elected from the Outer Manipur constituency on a CPI ticket (what a great comraderie between the commies and the christists).

2. Was absent from the Lok Sabha on the Vote of confidence motion against Vajpayee Government.

3. By “George”, Contested on the Samata Party ticket in the next election.

Kim Gangte election news from the Adventists site:

Adventists News Network - India

First Adventist Woman Elected to Indian Parliament

Manipur, India … [ANN] Kim Gangte, an Adventist woman, was elected to the Lok Sabha from Manipur, the first woman member of the lower house from the state.

A graduate of Spicer Memorial College, Gangte completed an M.A. degree from Pune University. She has been extremely active in connection with human rights problems in Manipur and has served as a general secretary of the human rights society in Manipur. Gangte also worked as a teacher at the Adventist Training School in Jowai, Meghalaya state. At the time of the elections, she was employed as a lecturer in a college in Manipur.

Gangte attends church at New Delhi, and is keenly interested in religious liberty and human rights issues. She is not only the first woman to be elected to parliament from her home state, she is also the first known Seventh-day Adventist to be elected to the Indian parliament. [Adventist News Network-India]

XII LOK SABHA DEBATES, Session II, (Monsoon) Wednesday, July 22, 1998 /Asadha 31, 1920 (Saka)

Just look at what she says on the floor of the Parliament:

Kim Gangte in Lok Sabha: If we are really a part of this great country, India ; if we are really Indians etc.,


This one is long afer her meeting LKA with the Adventist delegation:

Feb 03, 2005

The Manipur Government should immediately call an all party meet along with different community leaders to discuss lifting of the curfew in the State, former MP and human rights activists Kim Gangte has said:

"Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani should visit the State if he is so concerned about insurgency in the North-east," she said adding the Centre should not compare Manipur with either Chatishgarh or Uttaranchal.”

Talking to reporters here she said continued curfew would only increase the anger of the people. The Centre should understand that solving the NSCN(IM)’s problems alone could not bring peace to the North-east as there were numerous underground outfits operating in the region, she said.

"The territorial integrity issue is sentimental and the Centre should first try to understand the sentiments of the Manipuris,” she added.

The Manipur Cabinet had decided to release the arrested cadres of the underground outfit unconditionally to meet the demand of various Naga organizations that objected the arrest.

Note: Source:


Lalit Mansingh visits Seventh Day Adventists World HQ at Silversprings, Maryland, USA on Oct 11, 2001

This is what he said to the Adventists in their HQ:

"This is not to say that there are never instances of religious intolerance in India," he added, referring to a 1999 incident where a Baptist missionary and his two sons were killed by militant Hindus in the state of Orissa.

"There will always be the lunatic fringe that is intolerant. But the redeeming aspect to this is that these actions [in Orissa] were widely and strongly condemned by mainstream Indian society. And not just by Christians, but by members of many different religions who are continuing India's long tradition of tolerance and respect for all religions."


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