Monday, June 20, 2005
Conversions:some are above law Part- 4
Crusade and the Crusaders
Re: The Oxford English Dictionary:
• Noun. 1. Any of a series of medieval military expeditions made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.
2 An energetic organized campaign with a political, social, or religious aim:
A crusade against crime.
• Verb. 1 lead or take part in a crusade. 2 crusading energetically campaigning for a particular aim.
— DERIVATIVES crusader noun.
— ORIGIN French croisade, from croisée ‘the state of being marked with the cross’.
The Church and the Crusaders
The year was 1095 CE, William the Conqueror had united England under one crown 30 years earlier. The French had been dividing properties amongst their sons for generations, causing bloodshed between brothers over small pieces of real estate. In reaction, Pope Urban II expanded "The Truce of God", which outlawed fighting from Sunday to Wednesday, and banned fighting involving priests, monks, women, laborers and merchants on any day of the week. Italy was a collection of city-states, constantly being overrun by invading hordes, the latest of which were the Normans, who had just started to become "civilized".
There was also the Byzantine empire, ruling from Constantinople, whose emperor at this time was Alexius Comnenus. To his East, the Turks were rapidly encroaching on his empire, and had begun attacking pilgrims on their way to - and in - Jerusalem, causing him great distress. He wrote to his friend Robert, the Count of Flanders, in 1093, telling him about supposed atrocities committed by the Turks on the Christian pilgrims, and Robert passed this letter on to Pope Urban II. Pope Urban II, an opportunist, saw this as a perfect way to solve some of his local problems. He personally promoted a Holy Crusade to reclaim the Holy Lands from the barbarian Turks. Thus, the First Crusade was launched in 1096 CE.
The New-age Crusaders
If you are thinking that the Crusades belonged only to the bygone era, banish the thought. For, the current day activities of various Church denominations is a continuum of 1096 CE. And Ron Watts and his “innocent, Evangelical folks on Business and Tourist Visas” are one example of such typical Crusaders. The Table presented shows “Date of Crusade” NOT “Date of Evangelism”.
So, the energetic, organized campaign (crime) with a political, social, or religious aim continues unabated in a predominantly Hindu Dharmabhoomi and we do nothing about it.
Very often I read even our intellectuals using the expression: “Crusade against crime”.
To me, “Crusade IS crime”.
An Organized Crime against unsuspecting humanity. And we in India are doing nothing to stop these intellectual gorillas.
Ron Watts is in India on a Business Visa. His business, as we have seen is an energetic, organized campaign with a political, social or religious aim to convert Hindus to Christianity. In simple terms a Crusade. A war waged against the Hindus. His church, the Seventh Day Adventists, has waged a war, a crusade against Hindus. These Christian fundamentalists believe that the faster the rate of conversion, the nearer the Second Coming of Christ. Their accomplice in this crime against Hindus are the Sacramento, California, USA-based Maranatha Volunteers International which supports the Crusade of Ron Watts’ team with money for more churches in India and white skinned volunteer “warriors” for church building activity and proselytization in India.
So, the energetic, organized campaign (crime) with a political, social, or religious aim continues unabated in a predominantly Hindu Dharmabhoomi and we do nothing about it.
Very often I read even our intellectuals using the expression: “Crusade against crime”.
To me, “Crusade IS crime”.
An Organized Crime against unsuspecting humanity. And we in India are doing nothing to stop these intellectual gorillas.
Ron Watts is in India on a Business Visa. His business, as we have seen is an energetic, organized campaign with a political, social or religious aim to convert Hindus to Christianity. In simple terms a Crusade. A war waged against the Hindus. His church, the Seventh Day Adventists, has waged a war, a crusade against Hindus. These Christian fundamentalists believe that the faster the rate of conversion, the nearer the Second Coming of Christ. Their accomplice in this crime against Hindus are the Sacramento, California, USA-based Maranatha Volunteers International which supports the Crusade of Ron Watts’ team with money for more churches in India and white skinned volunteer “warriors” for church building activity and proselytization in India.
I am reproducing what I read on Pages 47 and 48 of the Department Report City Evangelism of the Seventh Day Adventists; my comments are in brackets. Please carefully understand the words “harvest”, “reapers”, “field;” words usurped by this new breed of farmers. They don’t belong to Agriculture any more, but to fundamentalist Christians who are Aggro-on-our-Culture. These are the words of proselytizers, not evangelicals:
Southern Asia Division is entering a new era, a new epoch in its history. It is entering a “golden age in evangelism”. The field is ready for harvest.
(Oh, yeah, there are lot more dumb Hindus to convert)
What Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few (Luke 10:2) is true today in India. Jesus continued “Ask the Lord for harvest, therefore, to send out workers to the harvest field” (Luke 10:2) –
I believe it is the answer to prayer that the Lord of harvest sends 38 teams of reapers this year (on Tourist Visas).
We need to continue to pray. We need the help of the world field for the harvest
(Yes we need all the fundamentalist Christians to send us money for this and Hindus to remain passive, meek and submissive, as ever).
This should be most important sign for the nearness of the Second Coming of the Christ, which is taking place right in our time.
(An open warning, dear Hindu folks, the danger of Jesus coming back soon is a reality).
We praise the Lord for the wonders that he performs before our eyes
(Oh man! he made that dumb guy sing like Michael Jackson and that blind man see clearly through his Raybans and that fat lame duck of a lady sprint like Marion Jones- We have seen all this happen in Benny Hinn and Dinakaran's TV circus shows- So, what's new?).
We need to ask our Lord to lead us in the right direction in the coming year in our endeavour for evangelism.
(Lord show us more American donor suckers for Maranatha and more dumb Hindus in India)
(Oh, yeah, there are lot more dumb Hindus to convert)
What Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few (Luke 10:2) is true today in India. Jesus continued “Ask the Lord for harvest, therefore, to send out workers to the harvest field” (Luke 10:2) –
I believe it is the answer to prayer that the Lord of harvest sends 38 teams of reapers this year (on Tourist Visas).
We need to continue to pray. We need the help of the world field for the harvest
(Yes we need all the fundamentalist Christians to send us money for this and Hindus to remain passive, meek and submissive, as ever).
This should be most important sign for the nearness of the Second Coming of the Christ, which is taking place right in our time.
(An open warning, dear Hindu folks, the danger of Jesus coming back soon is a reality).
We praise the Lord for the wonders that he performs before our eyes
(Oh man! he made that dumb guy sing like Michael Jackson and that blind man see clearly through his Raybans and that fat lame duck of a lady sprint like Marion Jones- We have seen all this happen in Benny Hinn and Dinakaran's TV circus shows- So, what's new?).
We need to ask our Lord to lead us in the right direction in the coming year in our endeavour for evangelism.
(Lord show us more American donor suckers for Maranatha and more dumb Hindus in India)
I would like to thank the Lord and the Division for giving this privilege to play a little part in this great and mighty work of bringing light to the dark corner of our great land of India.
(When the ancestors of these Western apes were clawing in caves, Bharatam had a great civilization going)
(When the ancestors of these Western apes were clawing in caves, Bharatam had a great civilization going)

Total Baptisms (meaning conversions) = 18,252
And the award for the best proselytizer goes to............ (take your pick from the dustbin provided in the column titled Speakers, from the table)
The First Crusade was launched in 1096 CE.
It has not stopped.
Today, It masquerades as Evangelism.
How long do we tolerate such “white-warriors” who come on Business and Tourist Visas to rape our Dharma Bhoomi of Her culture?