Sunday, June 12, 2005


Conversions:Some are above law- Part 2

What Dorothy Watts has to say on their "Business of Conversions"

In Pope John Paul II’s address to the Sixth Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), Manila (15 January 1995), 11: Insegnamenti XVIII, 1 (1995), 159, he said:

"just as in the first millennium the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe, and in the second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the Third Christian Millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and vital continent" (Asia).

Although Pope is the head of the corporate that I would like to call as the “Catholic Religious Business Inc.,” fondly known as the Vatican Empire, conversions has long since ceased to be the monopoly of the Catholic church. Smaller “Business” players have entered the fray with brute money and well cultivated disdain for the Native’s laws, culture and belief. With such new peddlers of faith in the global arena targeting the shrinking space of the “heathens”, the well established catholic business interests in the new market segments takes a beating as poaching surfaces within Christian denominations. And there is a hectic competition for the poor Native souls.

These lesser denominations zealously usurp the new mantra of the catholic era “harvest of faith”. The fight for increasing head count of sheep for their shepherd, begins within various church denominations, upping their aggression for new souls to harvest.

We are now aware that Ron Watts has admitted that he does not know what business he has in India, having entered into this Dharma Bhoomi on a Business Visa.

Ron Watts has selective Amnesia. Let us remind Ron and Dorothy Watts, what business we know they are doing in India. Ron Watts has lied to the Executive Magistrate in his deposition at Tiruvilla on 17-02-2005. I am baring his proclaimed innocence as nothing but audocious lies. In the following article, Dorothy Watts highlights their agenda and part of their blue print for effecting religious conversions in India. This exposes their plans. And how meticulously they stirve to achieve their goals of “harvest of faith”. This broad corporate plan would do any Sr Corporate Executive, proud. Look at how they identify their target audience. How they define their goals (in this case baptisms, which is an euphemism for conversions) How effectively they put a marketing plan in place, how they put a marketing team together, how effectively they delegate the work, How in the first place they identify the village “leaders” to “take care” of them so they don’t get into any trouble with the “rowdies” (read Hindus trying to thwart conversions)

Inducements. Plain and simple. Fraud on gullible very poor Hindus, with the complicity of the village leaders, who they take “care” to bring the required numbers of heifer to the chopping block.

On the Canadian University College site – under Current News, Dorothy Watts wrote as follows:

The 25-Village Program

--by Dorothy Watts

In the 1970’s while president of the South India Union, D.R. Watts began praying for some way to reach the nearly 600 000 villages of India with the gospel at a faster rate than was presently possible. Calls were coming to enter villages; but at the current rate of entering new places it would take hundreds of years to reach all of the villages of India. Then, too, he was concerned about the difficulty new Christians had when accepting Christ as it often meant leaving their village and family and starting anew somewhere else without the traditional support of the extended family. "Lord, there must be some way to overcome all of these obstacles", he prayed.

As he prayed about the matter and considered the Indian family and village system structure, he began to see a way to work within the culture (meaning: no instant cultural shocks, get as closer to their culture so it is easy to dupe and substitute with the christian thoughts with brief passage of time) That idea developed into The 25-Village Program and The 10-Village Program.

The plan was this:

Five sets of laymen, going out two by two under the direction of a regular pastor, and explore the villages in an area of a district. The idea was to find 25 villages in close proximity to each other, where the people were of the same family groups and castes that would enable them to have social relations and find marriage partners. After the 25 villages were chosen, the teams visited in each village, approaching first the leaders of the village, and inviting them to send two of their leaders to a 10-day seminar to be held at a nearby resort area. The leaders would come at our expense and be housed and fed and we would share with them the concepts of better living that we were willing to share in their villages if they invited us. But they were told, "We don’t want to come unless it is something that you approve of. So please come and listen to what we have to say, and see what you think. Then if you want us, we will visit your village. And if you don’t want us, we won’t come to you village." (This is the standard game plan. These folks know the innocence and the traditional hospitality of such village people and play their cards very well).

The 50 leaders then came together, and for ten days they had seminars from early morning until evening, going over all of the doctrines of the Christian faith. By the end of the meetings most of the leaders would be asking if the end of the meetings could baptize them. "No", the reply would be. "You go back and share these truths with the people in your village (now that you are sufficiently brainwashed). Then invite us to come and hold some meetings for your people. You must find the place, and guarantee there will be no disturbances in the meetings". Twenty-five evangelistic campaigns are then held simultaneously.

As a result, there would be 25 new congregations raised up with 50 to 100 members in each village. Now the converts had relatives and extended family in 24 other villages where they could go to find marriage partners and for the support they would need in their new way of life. We found that seldom with this plan was there much interference from rowdies because the leaders had given their pledge to take care of things and help us with the meetings. (Simple, They have been purchased) The results were amazing. Instead of a section entering three or four new places in a year, they were now raising up 25 new congregations twice a year. Using this method, the Kamataka Section doubled its membership in one year’s time in the late 1970’s. ( great harvest, indeed)

When D.R. Watts returned to India in 1997, this plan was again revived and also modified to accommodate The 10-Village Program which in many cases is easier to fund and to manage.

In 1998 there were 17 Ten Village Programmes conducted in India and 170 new congregations were established, and 9 337 were baptized from those 17 programs.

In 1999 forty such programs were conducted, and between 30 and 40 thousand people came into the church as a result of this innovative approach to village evangelism in India.

Let us look at one of his answers to the Executive Magistrate, Tiruvilla:

Q) What Business are you doing here?

A) I don't know what business I am doing.

Ron, come out of your selective Amnesia. We know the business you are in.



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